Industry Partners

Nittany AI Advance industry partners play a pivotal role in shaping and implementing AI projects that address real-world business challenges. Companies fuel innovation by providing funding, mentorship, and professional expertise to Penn State students developing AI applications for nonprofit organizations.

Recruit Talented Penn State Students

Partnering companies have a competitive recruitment edge, gaining access Penn State’s exceptional students who have a deep interest in AI and have experience developing AI applications. Companies can tap into this talent pool and recruit students for summer internships, full-time employment, and idea-sharing.

Gain Brand Association

In addition to supporting Advance projects, industry partners can build brand association with AI by supporting and participating in the AI for Good Expo and by showcasing the latest AI technologies and providing subject matter expertise during Nittany AI Inspire events.

Become a Partner

Contact Andy Gatto, Strategic Partners Manager for Nittany AI Alliance, at to begin the process of becoming a partner.